Barton dedicates goal to Newcastle fans

Barton feels he has let down the fans following his prison shame.

The 26-year-old said: “That was for all our fans and all the people I have let down. My only wish now is that it’s the first of many.

“People have already been asking me if that was my best moment as a Newcastle player — and it is up there with them.

“Winning 4-1 at Spurs last season was a big, big moment and to be fair so too was my debut for Newcastle.

“But, really, when you win it’s always a great moment.

“Once the referee pointed to the spot I really fancied it although I know a lot of the other players did as well.

“It was never an issue. I am always one to step up to the plate and I had no problem with this sort of thing.

“One thing that can never be levelled at me is that I have lacked courage.

“Even through my own stupidity I have had to come back from things — and this has shaped me for what I have got to do.”