Capello in Becks U-turn

Capello effectively said that Beckham’s England career was finished after the 2-1 win on Hungary earlier this month however the Italian has hinted that the door could be open for the LA Galaxy star.

Capello said: “I spoke directly with David on the telephone to explain what really happened and the relationship between him and me is really, really good.

“I spoke with David because he was a part of the staff in the World Cup. Usually I don’t speak on the phone with the players. In my career I never did this, but in this case I spoke.

“First he has to play a game. We are monitoring all the players. The future is for the young players.

“The door is open always for all the players but now I think about the young players. They need to play more games. More experience. We know the value of the old players.

“The future is for the young players because we have to think about the Euros, but no one player is out.”

He then added: “For me some players will be difficult to choose another time because of their age. I have to prepare for the Euros. At the Euros he (Beckham) will be 36.”