Dutch legend wants Spain to win final

Cruyff has backed Spain to out-play Holland on Sunday.

Cruyff said: “I am Dutch but I will always defend the football Spain play.

“If you play attacking football, like Spain do, you have more chances of winning. And if you try to play on the counter against a team that really wants the ball, you deserve to suffer.

“The fact is that if you try to out-play Spain, they will kill you and Holland now know they face the best team in the world.

“When you look at Spain, you see Barcelona, you see Xavi, Iniesta, Busquets and Pedro in midfield, players who want the ball but then will put pressure on high up the pitch to win it back.

“Now, deservedly, Spain are in the Final, a match that is only about winning, as I know. Spain have a great footballing generation, who may never get another chance like this.

“I know the whole of Holland wanted to play Germany in the Final, because they fear Spain will simply keep the ball for 90 minutes. Their only chance is if Spain fail to take their opportunities, like they did against Germany.

“It is Spain’s game to lose but I will take intense joy if they win it.”