Torres loving life at Liverpool

Torres joined Liverpool from Atletico Madrid in the summer of 2007.

“It isn’t easy to adapt but once you have, you would have trouble wanting to play anywhere else,” said the 24-year-old.

“The Premier League is way ahead of the Spanish league.

“You go to play away at a team in the relegation zone and you find yourself playing on a perfect pitch, with the stands full to bursting and opponents who are there to play football.

“And even if they lose, the crowd are going to cheer them on until the death. You only see this in British football.”

Torres added: “The club is a symbol of a city which fought to stay alive.

“Everyone is proud of the team. Players want to come here because they know that Liverpool is a truly great club.

“Anfield is the most English of all the grounds – people live and breath football there.

“With just 45,000 fans there, that roar they give makes you think you have wings on your feet.”