Wenger will not splash cash

The Gunners are desperate to close the gap on Manchester United next season, but Wenger insists he will not abandon his policy of nurturing young talent.

He told The Sun: “We have lost against the best team in the world and that is nothing to be ashamed of.

“Manchester United are the world and European champions and we have to accept they were better than us.

“We are all very down and very frustrated. But it is not down to spending money. It is down to sticking with our policy.

“Chelsea have spent magic money and still not won the European Cup. I believe our team has developed well but at the moment we are still a bit short.

“Of course I’ll try to bring in one or two in the summer and whoever we get will not be short of experience.

“But the priority is to stay with the squad we have.

“What am I supposed to do, kick out a quality young player like Walcott, Fabregas, Diaby or Bendtner who is already in his national team?”

He added: “I am doing as well as I can with the resources available. If people say that’s not good enough, I understand that completely.

“We can go further because we have a young team, not one who is over the hill.”