Aston Villa boss backs England’s 2018 World Cup bid

Houllier believes England deserve to win the battle to host the World Cup.

Houllier said: “I hope England win because I would say we deserve to win this bid.

“I say ‘we’ because I’m in England, so I’m English and I work in England.

“The dossier is the best, we have got the stadiums and the facilities, the hotels, the transportation.

“Everything is there, all the infrastructure and logistics.

“If we get it, then it will be huge because it means for 2018 you have a target and you prepare for that.”

Houllier added: “It will help the development of youth.

“It would be very important for the development of football in this country.

“When you have a target, when you know that is this is going to be your World Cup, you want to succeed in it.

“It gets everybody together. It brings a lot to the country but also to the football.”