Chelsea will not spend in January

Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon confirmed: “It is extremely unlikely we will spend in January and increase our squad.

“First we would have to sell someone to balance the books. At this stage, we’re not planning to bring anyone in.

“Felipe is on board with that because he has an excellent squad and is doing a great job.

“We have an agreed squad size of 24 and January is a notoriously bad time to buy players. So any changes are not high on the agenda.”

Kenyon continued: “We are keeping a closer eye on our costs and reining back in certain areas to put the business in better shape.

“We are doing what every other sensible business is doing in the current financial climate. It is just good management and being prudent. There is less cash in the system and that has implications for all businesses.

“What has happened in the global money markets is unprecedented.

“The financial crisis has affected everyone and football is not immune. But I can confirm Roman’s ongoing commitment to Chelsea.

“It is no less now than it ever was.”