Fergie wants two more European Cups

Fergie has previously hinted that he may decide to retire in 2010 from his job as United manager.

“If there was one challenge I’d love the club to win more European trophies than they have done and I think I’ve made this point a few times over the years. I don’t think we’ve won the number we should have won,” he told CNN.

“I am 67 now. At the moment I am still healthy and enjoying my job. If that was different I would quit immediately.

“But winning a specific trophy does not come into it.

“There have been years when we’ve been unlucky and years we’ve been disappointed, and there’ve been years when we’ve thrown games away, and that sort of gives a kaleidoscope of what football’s like.

“I would love this club to win more European trophies. We definitely should have at least a couple more.

“But just by being in so many semi-finals and quarter-finals, it shows you how hard it is to win.

“If we could win a couple more European trophies I then would definitely quit.”

“I am glad it is not my decision,” he continued, when speaking of the man who could replace him.

“But whoever it is, it needs to be someone with experience.

“Manchester United is a massive club. The club I joined in 1986 is nothing like the one it is today.”

He added: “I like Jose Mourinho.

“He is a good guy and someone I get on very well with.

“But people forget how quickly the game changes. The job of a football manager is a pretty fragile one.

“You can be on the very top of the world and then after two defeats you are the worst team ever.

“Hopefully I will be here for another two or three years. Who knows what will have happened in that time.

“Thinking about Jose Mourinho or Arsene Wenger or whoever is going to be impossible.”