Portsmouth chief: Diarra will stay

Diarra has been linked with a move to link up with his former boss Harry Redknapp at Tottenham, but Storrie insists that they are not looking to sell their Frenchman.

He told the Portsmouth News: “There is no clause in his contract whatsoever, it’s absolute rubbish.

“Let’s get this straight, we are not looking to sell Diarra.

“Also if someone comes in and wanted to buy him they would have to pay an awful lot of money, credit crunch or no credit crunch.

“He’s a fantastic football player and I think he will go on to be one of the best midfield players there is in the world.

“If they come here and offer us Mickey Mouse money, not a chance.

“I have to say to the supporters, please don’t listen to the rubbish and the nonsense. There are stories everyday knocking Pompey and I think the vast majority of fans are bored of it as we are to be honest.”