Strachan: I won’t quit Celtic

Reports have suggested that Strachan was considering quitting the club in the summer.

“A lot of people maybe think it was a good time to go after three titles, but they’re not me,” Strachan told the News of the World.

“Maybe it’s the way other people would have done it. They might think, ‘That looks like a hell of a job – I would get out!’

“But they’re not me. They’ve not been brought up the way I’ve been brought up.

“I can see why people might think, ‘That might be enough’. But why? What else am I going to do?

“No, when you’ve won three championships, you can take a bit of a break and look and say it’s not as mad as you think it is, this job.

“You can put everything in perspective. When you lose you don’t have to go on a massive downer because you know at Celtic you’re liable to win a few games.

“Getting back to those people who say: ‘That’s enough now’. Well, they said that after year one, they said it for year two then three and they’ll say in again for year four!

“But it’s people who don’t know me who are saying what I’m going to do.”