Xavi insists Arsenal skipper will join Barcelona

Xavi says the 23-year-old midfielder is only on ‘loan’ at Arsenal and is keen on a return to the Camp Nou.

“We know where Cesc wants to be this coming season, but perhaps there is not enough time for Barcelona and Arsenal to agree a deal,” Xavi told the Daily Express.

“Arsenal need to understand they are only delaying the inevitable.

“If we don’t manage to get his signature this season then Arsenal only really have him on loan for a year – because there is nothing they can do to stop him joining next summer.

“I haven’t given up on him joining us this season but, if he doesn’t, it won’t be more than a year before he is back home.

“His people will have a whole season to sort out the deal between the two clubs and it will happen at the very latest next summer.”

“We were all with him for five weeks in South Africa and we know he wants to be at Barcelona, he made it very clear,” added Xavi.

“But he will under no circumstances do anything that will upset the Arsenal fans. And that’s probably why we are going to have to wait for him for another year.”