Barcelona skipper urges Arsenal to let Fabregas leave

Puyol claims Fabregas is being held at Arseanl against his will.

Fabregas has long been linked with a return to Barcelona.

“He is having to stay at a club where he no longer wants to be for another year,” Puyol said in The Sun.

“I wonder how intelligent it is keeping a player who doesn’t want to be there.

“After seven years of great service, I thought Arsenal could have granted him his dream move.”

“Cesc has given everything to Arsenal to try to win a trophy but they haven’t matched his expectations,” added Puyol.

“I won’t say he is in a prison, as we know how privileged we are as football players.

“But after how clear Cesc made it that he wanted to be in Barcelona, I thought they would have granted him that.”