Birmingham hero delighted with brace

The 36-year-old came off the bench just after the hour, when the Blues were a goal down.

But a brace from Phillips secured the win for Birmingham.

He told Sky Sports: “I think I showed I still have a bit left in me. People write you off over 30 but I am 36 now and I think I showed I can still do a job.

“It is just nice to get on the pitch. I have not had much game time lately.

“I said to myself I would have to be patient this year. I knew I would get my chance.

“You have to be mentally strong. You have to keep believing you will get your chance.

“It is a short career and I know I am not too far away from retiring.

“I want to play for as long as I possibly can at the highest level and moments like today make me want to play for longer.”