Cahill could leave Everton

The 29-year-old could leave Everton when his contract expires in 2012.

“Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to round off my football life playing for a team that I’m convinced will get a licence to join the competition sooner rather than later,” he told Australian website

“The fact I can be part of the club’s player development in terms of giving kids in the region a chance to excel would only make it sweeter. I’m in this project for the long haul.

“I want to be part of the club in a meaningful way on the field too. I want to come home when I still have something left to give as a player. That’s also very important to me.

“Obviously I couldn’t be happier where I am right now at Everton, but it would great to be a part of helping build the game up back home too because football has given me a great life.”