Hart will not quit Pompey

Hart insists he will never quit the South Coast struggled, despite their off-field problems.

“I consider myself, 40 years after I entered the game, very fortunate to be in football,” Hart told the News of the World.

“Despite our problems, I am very, very privileged to manage a smashing football club.

“It’s been one hell of a test and you’ve got to be on your toes.

“I knew things were bad when I took over but I wouldn’t have believed they would get even worse.

“The situation I face at Portsmouth is totally unique. It’s demoralising watching players walk out of the door.

“No club ever reports back for pre-season with 14 players.

“What has happened to us is a salutary warning to everybody, but I believe I can get us out of this mess and I won’t ever give up.”